Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting Started

Welcome to my Craft blog!

I am a stay at home mother of three small children who loves to craft and read in my "spare" time.  Seems funny to think that I could actually even have spare time with a 4-year old daughter, 3-year old son and a new baby boy who just turned 4 months! I have found that if I don't do something for myself during the day such as crafting or reading I may just go crazy!

I began making hair clips for my daughter Shae when she started preschool this year.  She has thick curly (at times CRAZY) hair and I was having the hardest time finding something cute and would actually stay put in her hair.  After getting a lot of compliments and requests for me to start selling them I opened up a little etsy store. 

So between children begging for Otter Pops, changing diapers, laundry, dishes, cleaning etc.  I will be trying to post about my latest creations and probably throwing in a few tidbits about my crazy family life as well!

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